2024-25 member drive and activity report

Would you like to become a full member of the Friends of Erskineville? Annual memberships start on 1 July each year and the standard rate for individuals is $20. If you are one of our email list subscribers or follow us on Facebook or X but haven’t yet become a member, we’d love to have your extra support. All membership fees go toward our community building work, campaigns and advocacy, including printing flyers, hosting stalls and public meetings and website costs. Membership also entitles you to vote at meetings and nominate for the committee. Payment is via ...

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2023-24 member drive and activity report

Would you like to become a full member of the Friends of Erskineville? Annual memberships start on 1 July each year and the standard rate for individuals is $20. If you are one of our email list subscribers or follow us on Facebook or Twitter but haven’t yet become a member, we’d love to have your extra support. All membership fees go toward our community building work, campaigns and advocacy, including printing flyers, hosting stalls and public meetings and website costs. Membership also entitles you to vote at meetings and nominate for the committee. Payment is ...

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Victory against unwanted advertising billboards

In October 2022, new advertising billboards started to appear on the railway walls in the centre of Erskineville. A total of 12 billboard spaces were marked out by "Revolution360" company and started being filled with corporate advertising. There were 4 on Concord St, 4 on Macdonald St and 4 on Victoria St. Residents soon started to complain to FoE and some had even started to graffiti over them with the message "no more ads in Erko". We quickly wrote to then Premier Dominic Perrottet requesting that they be removed. By the middle of December we received a reply from ...

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Nimby Name Calling: A Developer Distraction

Nimby Name Calling: A Developer Distraction by Andrew Chuter As the housing affordability crisis goes from bad to worse, fingers of blame are being pointed in all the wrong directions. The latest target are "nimbys" - so called "not in my back yard" resident activists accused of blocking new housing being built in their neighbourhoods. Ignored by economist Chris Richardson, NSW Premier Chris Minns, Real Estate Institute New South Wales and former Reserve Bank economist Tony Richards, is the $20 billion in annual investor tax concessions which increasingly turn ...

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Letter to Minister Hoenig on ‘double votes for business’

Friends of Erskineville recently wrote to Ron Hoenig, the Minister for Local Government, about the undemocratic City of Sydney voting rules that give businesses double votes. The issue was raised recently in parliament and appeared on the ABC TV news: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ko5mCFfAXkE FoE's view is that nobody should be able to vote more than once or in multiple local government areas. Please sign our change.org petition here: https://www.change.org/p/one-vote-one-value. 7/6/2023 Dear Minister Hoenig, We write to you in your capacity as ...

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2022-23 round up

Would you like to become a full member of the Friends of Erskineville? Annual memberships start on 1 July each year and the standard rate for individuals is $20. If you are one of our email list subscribers or follow us on Facebook or Twitter but haven’t yet become a member, we’d love to have your extra support. All membership fees go toward our community building work, campaigns and advocacy, including printing flyers, hosting stalls and public meetings and website costs. Membership also entitles you to vote at meetings and nominate for the committee. Payment is ...

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2021-22 round up

Would you like to become a full member of the Friends of Erskineville? Annual memberships start on 1 July each year and the standard rate for individuals is $20. If you are one of our email list subscribers or follow us on Facebook or Twitter but haven't yet become a member, we'd love to have your extra support. All membership fees go toward our community building work, campaigns and advocacy, including printing flyers, hosting stalls and public meetings and website costs. Payment is via Paypal (which includes credit card) or by direct bank transfer into our accoun...

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Judy Mundey’s speech at public housing rally

We are here today in support of the provision of much needed public housing. The provision of public housing by governments is not a new concept. About 100 years ago, in 1919, the then government of the day built public housing in the Rocks area of Sydney, not so far from where we are meeting. It was to house people left homeless by the slum clearance of the area thought necessary to eradicate the Plague which was then afflicting Sydney. In 1980 the then government of the day again built public housing in the Rocks. The back story this time was not a plague but ...

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FoE President’s speech at Explorer St BBQ

The Friends of Erskineville (FoE) held a free BBQ and protest meeting at the Explorer St, Eveleigh public housing estate on Saturday February 13th. The event was co-hosted by Jenny Leong MP, Hands off Glebe, Shelter NSW and REDWatch. The following speech was given by the current FoE President, Andrew Chuter. You can also see the photos from the event on our Facebook page here. UPDATE MAY 2021: Our call for inclusionary zoning has now been agreed to by the NSW government. Developers in the City of Sydney will be levied to support affordable housing. Acknowledge...

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Update on ‘One Sydney Park’ development

Many Sydney Park users will be unaware of the plans to build 390 apartments within the block containing Sydney Park. This former industrial land was planned to eventually be incorporated into the park and Friends of Erskineville still believes that should happen.   Unfortunately when FedEx 'left the building' at 215 Euston Rd on the eastern edge of the park, it was bought up by property developers.   In 2017, despite the City of Sydney (CoS) council being opposed to the project, the state government controlled 'Central Sydney Planning Committee' ...

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